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Last days of FISL 10 June 27, 2009

Posted by Nibodhika in planetkde-tomazcanabrava.

Yesterday was a big day because Lula, the president of Brazil, came to FISL. While some people were excited about having the chance of meeting him, the FISL took some extreme security measures. So, from the 7000 people that are expected per day, only 700 had the chance of actually being inside most of the area. Each user group exposition could leave up to 3 guys (me, Tomaz and Sandro) during the morning, and only one guy (Tomaz was our chosen one) in the afternoon, when Lula would arrive, but even so, most of the people where mad because they had paid for being there, and the doors had been closed for them. Some people where even using tags saying “Free Software but Closed FISL?”. But at the night they installed some metal detectors and let the people back in (most likely to avoid a major inconvenient for the participants).

Lula is Nerd!

Another fact happened, in my oppinion even more important, than the coming of the president (since I didn’t have direct contact with him, nor did any of us). Fernando Michelotti, from Debian, is sick. He had some troubles and had to be hospitalized. They found an internal bleeding, then needed some blood to help. It was announced via speakers, and you would think that an enormous amount of people would go (since we’re in a cooperative community), but the fact is that not even 10 people went there. I was one of them (that’s why I don’t even know what happen there in the afternoon and Tomaz would be the better choice for blogging it). I almost fade out during the extraction of the blood, but at least they could get enough blood before that.

People that went donate blood with Fernando's mother

Today I talked to a friend of Fernando and she told me he’s doing better thanks to our donation, and that lots of people appeared after to donate and that the hospital even had blood to use to other 3 patients so they were very thankful to the group in general. There’s an idea of making a donation on the first day of every FISL, we do not have further information, but the Live Blue supports the idea.

Tux with Live Blue shirt

Beside that today is the very last day in the Forum, so we’ll be here till 21:00, there were several talks (as usual), two of the more important and interesting were: “[Forum KDE] Qt Kinetic” by Leandro Sobral Cunha, and “The Danger of Software Patents” by Richard Stallman. He complained about my shirt witch read “OpenSource Lifestyle” and have a GNU on the back, because “Software Livre” (Free Software) would have been a better choice of shirts, and because GNU project doesn’t work with open source softwares, but with free software.

Sandro, Tomaz and Mauricio Piacentini talking about KDE Actions on Brasil

I don’t get the point of people being so fanatics to one thing that actually forget that they are working in pro of the same thing, and I’m not talking just about the minimal differences between free software and open source software, but also to the constant fight between users of a certain distribution or desktop environment to prove them superior, without realizing that working together would be a grater good to everybody.

by: Vito Francisco Chiarella

First days at FISL 10 June 25, 2009

Posted by Nibodhika in planetkde-tomazcanabrava.

Live Blue camp
Hello, since this is my first post in the blog I’ll introduce myself. I’m Vito Chiarella, I’m with the Live Blue since the beginning, and the name was actually my idea (please don’t hate me). I’m making this post because we didn’t post anything since FISL 10 started (yesterday). I’ve just watched a talk named “Qt Everywhere”, so it’s a good time to spread the word.
Live Blue Banner
First of all, we are recording some videos, and we will be putting them together for a compilation about the trip after we return to Salvador. But until that I’ll be putting some pictures here. As most of us are used to the hot winter of Salvador we’re having a hard time on the cold (read 15ºC/59ºF) of Porto Alegre (where FISL is happening).
Tux in FISL
As for the user group camps there are some really nice, for instance Debian’s is selling some really clever shirts, while Sun is giving mini-soccer balls (for the price of being good at handle it), But the small user group camps, like ours or Arch Linux one are having trouble for getting the attention of the people. Not even our forro (Bahia typical music) band got the main attention to us. There are also many talks at the same time that most of us is spitted leaving to 3 or 4 in our camp, but on Qt we agreed to go together since it is related to KDE.
Qt Everywhere
The “Qt Everywhere” talk was amazing, most of the Live Blue team went there (leaving to only one guy the job of present the group to curious people). One interesting fact that I didn’t know is that Qt is REALLY everywhere, for instance some coffee machines!!. Thanks to the doubts of Tomaz on the speech, and the brilliant idea to ask for it, he is (read: we are) the happy owner of a Qt shirt and book (C++ GUI programing with Qt4).
Tchelinux banner

By: Vito Chiarella (V1to)

#2: Visualize your code in KDevelop June 22, 2009

Posted by Sandro Andrade in planetkde-sandroandrade.
1 comment so far

Hey folks, a quick update because something pushes me to my bed 🙂

After a nice weekend we have a useful integration between KDevelop code editor and control flow graph plugin. You can easily get your graph updated when switching between functions in a class or between different opened classes. With such a mechanism, the developer is able to get an always-updated view of source code and experience the benefit of a unified use of code editor + code visualization.

What about, in a close future, something like a “coupling-meter” or “cohesion-meter” (há :)), which indicates if the developer is going into a modular and maintainable implementation “direction” ?

By now, the just implemented features are: fully code editor / control flow graph integration, support for recursive functions, multi-level support.


Here the plugin itself being visualized in KDevelop (max depth = 8):


As asked by David Nolden, *now* we are able to understand the design of new KDevelop 4 UI (Sublime) 🙂 (max depth = 8):


Sublime visualization in a “circo” layout:


In the following days I will enhance the navigation and filtering facilities, so that the developers could be able to refine their search to acquire just the desired information.

Keep connected, I promise a pretty video in the next GSoC update !

See you,


KDE Forum on FISL 10 June 19, 2009

Posted by tumaix in planetkde-tomazcanabrava.
1 comment so far


Have you been to the FISL (Fórum Internacional de Software Livre – International Free Software Forum)? The largest free software event from all Latin America will welcome thousands of participants, professionals and enthusiasts, and host several talks in a wide range of subjects.
Do you develop for KDE? Or rather, do you want to start developing? If you answered any of those questions as “yes”, you can’t miss the KDE Forum on FISL 10! The KDE Brazil members will be hosting discussions on development, taking questions and having a nice chat with developers and enthusiasts whomsoever!
It is a great opportunity for all developers and enthusiasts to get in touch with the people around KDE in Brazil. Maurício Piacentini (http://behindkde.org/people/piacentini/), Fernando Boaglio (http://www.boaglio.com/), Hélio Castro (http://behindkde.org/people/helio/), Sandro Andrade (http://sandroandrade.wordpress.com/) and Tomaz Canabrava (http://plagioastral.wordpress.com/) are the speakers for the forum.
Bring your questions, suggestions, and your project! If you seek guidance or are simply curious on developing for the KDE environment, cancel your appointments, pack your bags and find your way to Porto Alegre – Brazil. The event will be held from June 24th to June 27th, at the Event Center of the PUC-RS university, and the KDE Forum will be open for 1 hour, starting on June 27th, 9:00 am.
Make sure you don’t miss it!


Você já foi ao FISL? O maior evento de software livre da América Latina receberá milhares de participantes, profissionais e entusiastas, e sediará diversas palestras sobre diversos assuntos.
Você desenvolve para o KDE? Ou melhor, você gostaria de começar? Se você respondeu “sim” para qualquer uma dessas questões, você não pode perder o Fórum KDE no FISL 10! Os membros do KDE Brasil discutirão sobre desenvolvimento, tirarão dúvidas do público e estarão abertos para um bate-papo com desenvolvedores e entusiastas!
Entrar em contato com os nomes do KDE no Brasil é uma grande oportunidade para todos os interessados. Maurício Piacentini (http://behindkde.org/people/piacentini/), Fernando Boaglio (http://www.boaglio.com/), Hélio Castro (http://behindkde.org/people/helio/), Sandro Andrade (http://sandroandrade.wordpress.com/) e Tomaz Canabrava (http://plagioastral.wordpress.com/) serão os participantes do Fórum.
Traga suas dúvidas, sugestões, e o seu projeto! Se você procura orientação ou está simplesmente curioso quanto ao desenvolvimento para o KDE, cancele seus compromissos, arrume a sua mochila e pegue a estrada para Porto Alegre! O evento acontecerá do dia 24 de Junho ao dia 27, no Centro de Eventos da PUC-RS, e o Fórum KDE estará aberto por 1 hora, começando no dia 27 de junho, às 9 da manhã.
Esperamos você lá!

post done by Alexandre Raymond, that doesn’t have an planet account yet. 😉

Visualize your code in KDevelop June 17, 2009

Posted by Sandro Andrade in planetkde-sandroandrade.

Who of us hasn’t ever got lost when doing maintenance and evolution activities in highly complex software with hundreds of thousands of source code lines ? So, this is the first update on my GSoC project about static code visualization (in contrast with dynamic visualization – as in KCachegrind – and evolution visualization – for repository analysis) in KDevelop.

As I’ve mentioned before, the goal is to implement two well-known static visualization paradigms: control flow graphs and polymetric visualization. Control flow graphs should provide a direct, interactive and configurable visualization of control flow between functions, classes, and modules, whereas polymetric visualization aims at representing software metrics as easily assimilated visual pictograms. We think these features can enhance program comprehension and set the stage for advanced visualization mechanisms, such as architecture discovery and requirements tracking.

Cutting straight to the chase: in KDevelop, control flow graphs should visually represent DU-chain traversals from the function definition that contains the cursor and enable direct source code navigation and filtering facilities.

DU-chain traversals have been modelled as graphs by using Graphviz. The Graphviz’s algorithms for graph layout are used for spatial positioning of graph nodes and then the control flow graph is visualized in the KGraphViewer’s kpart.

This was my first attempt, yet limited to just one-level (direct) function call:


This time, with kpart integrated in KDevelop tool view and some configuration in Graphviz node attributes:


With a little bit of more work on my DUChainControlFlow class, we have multi-level control flow graphs from the function definition containing the cursor until the first definition-unavailable function (I know, this can be quite time-consuming for large projects. Keep reading :)).


By integrating some KGraphViewer’s kpart features with my KDevelop tool view we are able to zooming in/out/best-fit the control flow graph. Also graph nodes are colored according to its class/namespace.


My ultimate goal is to implement some features for DU-chain traversal configuration. Certainly we will have some (but not all :)) of the following:

  • Definition of depth limit: by specifying the number of recursive analysis of function calls we will be able to constrain the visualization to a managed scope and have a first overview of control flow without have to wait for a depth-complete DU-chain traversal;
  • DU-chain traversal filtering: it should be interesting to have some features for limiting the control flow graph generation to a specific class, module, directory, and/or project(s);
  • Select control block granularity: we should be able to generate control flow graphs depicting control flow between functions, classes, and modules;
  • Individual expansion of graph nodes: this will allow the user to get into the details of specific graph branches;
  • Mapping of metrics to visual attributes: in a more sophisticated approach, software metrics such as function size, cyclomatic complexity etc could be mapped to visual attributes like node width, height, and color or even influence somehow the control flow graph layouting;
  • Integration with debugging and profiling tools.

In the second part of my GSoC project I will implement the polymetric visualization, as presented here:

And, if time permits, what about class dependency visualization ?


Suggestions are welcome !!!

See you in the next GSoC update …


The day after Windows 7 installation. June 9, 2009

Posted by tumaix in planetkde-tomazcanabrava.

Since everybody appeared to stay that I’m a moron for not having recovery tools ready, and that I’m a moron for not knowing how to recupere a merged 60gb ntfs partition with a 120gb ext3 partition ( that, by the way, I didn’t asked for the windows installer to merge ), only one thing to say: What a great and helpful community.

1 – windows is used as ‘even my grandma can use.’ – well, my mother doesn’t know how to recover data too. , so, let’s stop this fight, okay?

today I was trying to install linux again, and hopefully dont lose the win7 partition, it was a pain to make everything work as I expect it.

Mandriva 2009.1 free x64 dvd
Fedora 11 x64 KDE live
Arch Linux netinstall

Installed mandriva, the instalation worked beautifully. everything was being installed and the world was a pure and happy place.
installation done.
boot on mandriva, ok, good, KDM login. so I put my username and password, kde starts the splashscreen and I go take a shower, because I’m stinky.
when I’m back, it’s still on the splashscreen. I press ‘numlock’ to see if the computer is frozen, it is. rebooted, same result. tried to go on the ‘failsafe’ just to discover that the failsafe is failing. cant boot.

then I log onto windows, go to irc mandriva channel, explain my problem. another dude sayd that he had the same one and it was caused by some usb periferics. since my mouse and keyboard are usb, could be that. one other guy asked me to use runlevel 3, I try. still freezing and no sign of anything onscreen ( no bash or whatsoever ).

finally I got tired of trying, and burned the Fedora 11 live cd.
verified to see if it was correctely burned, it was, put it into the dvd drive, and rebooted the pc. it let me choose a few things, boot from cd, boot from first hard drive and such, I booted from CD, obviously. I/O ERROR Framebuffer something.
thinking that it could be the CD’s fault ( It was all messed up, with scrathes ) I bought a new one, and tried again.
same result.

then I installed Arch. worked. nothing bad happened. I thank you, Arch Developers, but it’s just too much configuration for mee. I’m now on windows again, trying to download Chakra ( Arch based ) and install to see if it will work, if not, I will go back to ubuntu.

Still a little bit frustrated for losing my songs and stuff, but that’s life, I could waited and used some tool to recover my things, but I was in a hurry to finish a university thing…

Damn you, Windows 7 RC, Damn You!! June 8, 2009

Posted by tumaix in planetkde-tomazcanabrava.

So, Aparrently windows rc is going to be the best windows since …. , well, the best windows version ever, ( don’t know how much that counts, but… ). The hype as on , the wind was changing and the teachers on the university where praising how great microsoft was for the I’msorryforvista version.

Then I got an idea… What if I could install windows side by side with my linux box, and try both, write about the good things, rant about the bad things?

So I borrowed a Win 7 – 64bits version and created a Key on microsoft site ( a new promotion, or so I was told ), cleaned space, and used gparted to create an empty space for my installation. reserved 60gb for win 7.

turned off my linux box, inserted the dvd on the drive. turned the machine on.

oh, cool, it booted. now I just need to format that partition ( click on the 60gb unformatted space ), click on ‘format’, finished formatting, clicked on ‘install’.

“Windows could not be installed on the selected partition, check install log for details”, there wasn’t a install log to check, but that was just the beginning.

I removed the DVD and rebooted, with tears in my eyes and looking after the sunset, trying to get linux up to search for that error on the web.

Grub error 22.

WTF! LOL!  WYSIWYG! WINE! GNU! RTFM! and other badwords in acrony.

I was sad, I was desperate. I was, well, sleepy, it was late.

runned for a live cd , found a kubuntu 8.10, booted, ‘fdisk’

Holy Shét, it destroyed my /data/ partition with almost 5.000 songs, *ALL* my university work, my talk for fisl, My homework for Sandro Andrade(mayIgiveittoyouanotherday, prettypleas?!?! ).

Since I didn’t had a linux 64bits at the time, and I already lost my things, I tougth, ‘bleh… gonna install this anyway to see what’s all about’, so, again, installed, formatted the /linux partition ( I already lost my data anyways ),

so, there I was, happly installing my dev tools when suddenly BSOD! a Blue Screen! in less than 2 hours of use! AAAAAAAARGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH! * thorws rotten apples at myself" *

Now I’m downloading mandriva 2009.1 spring to regain my honor.

and yeah, I didn’t had backup.

Jon ‘Maddog’ and his brand new Mad Dog. June 6, 2009

Posted by tumaix in planetkde-tomazcanabrava.
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Me, André Brasil and Alexandre Raymond with our Gift for Maddog, a Mad Dog. ( like Redbull, but 2L. drink and drop dead. )


Maddog accepting happly his gift. ;D
So nice to make a person happy with so simple gift.

Talk on Fisl – KDE4 for the non – initiate. June 5, 2009

Posted by tumaix in planetkde-tomazcanabrava.

It looks like I got accepted on FISL, that’s really encouraging for me since I just started helping KDE team on Brazil ( My first KDE-Related talk was last year on LatinoWare ). I Will be giving a
talk entitled “KDE4 for the non-initiates” where I will present them the really-used-omg-awesome apps that the powerusers do use, but the normal user doesn’t know about it and could save thy life.

the apps that I will talk about, besides a quick introduction of KDE4 itself:

– Yakuake – because a quake style terminal that sexy-slide from the top of your screen is… you know, sexy and cool. ( and one of the “must have” apps, for sure. 4grid terminals always open when programming )
– Kate with VIM – Because everybody that’s Tr00z loves vim ( I’m not a Tr00, I just point’n click ) but VIM has a few problems with, you know, it’s ugly, no cute fonts, no anti-aliasing. Kate – VIM FTW.
– KSnapshot – Because a print-screen button for users should take care of better knowing what you want. an small area? an app? the entire desktop?
– Digikam – There’s nothing better than digikam for professional management of images on linux.
– K3B – Since it’s back (IT’S ALIVEEEEEEEEE) I need to talk about it too, and compare with the others. K3B was the app that switched me to linux, I have a special feeling for it. ( I could marry it actually )
– And of course, the most beloved powertoy from the KDE4 series, KLauncher KRunner. that silly bastard is a great help for sure. =)