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Latinoware 2015 November 4, 2015

Posted by tumaix in planetkde-tomazcanabrava.
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It was that time of the year again: People from around the world would gather around the biggest hidroeletrical plant in the world to talk, comune and create awesome software together (and ever). It was my fourth time there leaving behind two years of abssense from talks and events in Brazil. This event is huge, massive, around 4000 students, profissionals, hackers, activists, promoters – Currently being the Biggest one in Latin America and since it’s a huge event, a huge project should be there and so we where, with one of the most visited booths.

Having tons of notebooks with KDE installed we let newcomers test our software (and we received great feedback, specially from university professors that didn’t know that KDE had applications to help development or teaching aids), Aleix Pol could be specially proud since one of the most talked apps among the teachers was KAlgebra. Good Work Apol. 😀


Having Six talks on the event, whe managed to talk about beginner stuff to advanced ones without leaving anyone behind.
Our talks this year
– KDE Sysadmin: You can help even if you don’t progam (speaker Gomex)
– KDE and Linus: Living Dangerously – my adventures in Programming (speaker Tomaz Canabrava)
– KDE: First Steps to Contribute (speaker Icaro (Igor) Jerry Santana)
– KDE Plasma Mobile (speaker Helio Castro)
– KDE Plasma 5: Full of Resources (speaker Henrique Sant’Anna)
– KDE: The structure behind it (speaker Helio Castro)

We got a really full day there, and it was AWESOME.

now, I don’t know if you fellow reader realized but I wrote ‘Helio Castro’ twice, and this is something since this pesky ❤ kde hacker had disappeared from events for quite a while, much much more time than I did. and he’s kwown as ‘Father KDE’ in Brazil, and also the KDE Brazil contact on the kde.org page… But why I’m saying all this about Helio? Well…  Besides being a really good friend (and with no sense of humor) he is leaving the mother land, going to the cold places in Europe… You will be missed here buddy. But I’ll send you my dancing pictures as christmas gift every year. ❤

Since me and Sandro Andrade re-started the KDE Community in brazil in 2009, 2010 we managed to get huge contributors (Me, Wagner Reck, Lamarque, Sandro, and a ton more ) and we are currently a very very healthy project in brazil, but we also have lots of brazilian contributors that do not show their existence, please, be vocal of what you do, join the brazilian kde community if you help kde and are from brazil, as united we can do anything.

Even play live on a software event.

Forro internacional de software livre

Forro internacional de software livre