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TaimeTraquer 0.1 alpha June 28, 2012

Posted by tumaix in planetkde-tomazcanabrava.
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What the hell is TaimeTraquer?

TaimeTraquer is a TimeTracking application, based on gtimelog, it uses the same format, saves in the same place, so you can use both, or just one, in the same way that you use gtimelog.

It has some benefits over gtimelog, it also has some shortcommings, for instance, it doesn’t generate reports ( yet ) , but it’s easyer to use, because you don’t really need to open the app, focus the line editor, write the thingy.

you just need to write ‘tt’ on the KRunner ( the alt+f2 popup ) and magic will happen.

so, if you guys wanna try it out, it’s on my scratch space:


remember to adjust KDEDIRS and to run kbuildsyscoca4, and reestart krunner ( kquitapp krunner && krunner ) before trying to use it.

Manual: Write ‘tt arrived’ to mark that you just arrived, and ‘tt otherStuff: just did stuff’ to mark what you just finished. 🙂

I do accept ideas for improving the implementation.

TaimeTraquer, little progress. June 13, 2012

Posted by tumaix in planetkde-tomazcanabrava.
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It’s already working on basic things, like the most important ones like Saving stuff. I’m now adding sugar to it. What it does now: saves stuff, in a gtimelog compatible way, so you can use both apps and the result will be the same.

TaimeTraquer, an update. June 10, 2012

Posted by tumaix in planetkde-tomazcanabrava.

Long time ago, I started doing a plasmoid for time-tracking things, but it was forgotten in dust, untill recently a guy from the FSF asked me how was the state of it. well, that was the kick that I needed to get back to it, what’s the purpose of something if nobody uses?

So, this time instead of doing a plasmoid, I’m doing a fully-compatible GTimeTracker KRunner app, it’s already fully functional, and I will send it to KDE Infrastructure as soon as I remmeber my ssh key -.-‘.

I would like to thank Aaron Seigo, Chani and all plasma devs for the plugin system in krunner, it helped me a lot those days =)