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Fifteen Puzzle: Overhauled! August 6, 2010

Posted by Alex Raymond in planetkde-alexraymond.

I remember, a long time ago, Tomaz (tumaix || tcanabrava) showing me what KDE was all about, explaining all the philosophy behind it and why it was there for. While he kept saying how it worked, and all of that, I couldn’t help but to completely ignore every single word that he said.

“I like this puzzle thing.”

He’d let go a frustrated sigh.

As I kept playing it through some boring class (no, Sandro, it wasn’t yours!), I asked him, “Can I have more tiles? Like… to make it harder?” He grinned in an conspicuously evil way and said, “No. But you could make it yourself.”

So that was my first contribution to KDE: a changeable number of pieces, a randomizer, and a color chooser. Nowadays, I am a bit more experienced, and the same Tomaz threatened kindly invited me to work on KDE at a daily basis as an intern under his guidance. He let me choose where to work and get used with KDE development.

“Fifteen Puzzle.” I decided to spend my early hacking days to shelter the orphaned plasmoid, and here’s what it looks like now:

Changes include:

  • Fixed the old positioning, which generated only unsolvable puzzles.
  • Chronometer running (just shuffle and solve it to know your time).
  • Theme color support.
  • Images!
  • Bugfixes and minor tweaks.

There is still some to be done, and I hope to end it shortly. I know that it isn’t much, but I feel happy for it.  My endless thanks for Tomaz, due to his enormous, endless, and incredibly lasting patience support 24/7.

I’ll have more news next week! See you there!

P.S.: I will be moving to another project very soon! Any suggestions?


1. Shaun Reich - August 6, 2010

Nice work.

Well, as long as there are not more pressing issues or lack of features more important features…I’ve had this on my todo list for a while and haven’t had any time to do it..

I’d like to see the Timer widget also have a stopwatch functionality (the ability to count up instead of down). Last I checked there wasn’t a widget that did this and it’d be perfect for timing things (heh, obviously).

Seems like it’d make more sense for it to be the same widget, too.

Alex Raymond - August 9, 2010


Hope that it suit you well 🙂

2. Heller - August 6, 2010

Hello 🙂
And I love this little counter-productive applet too 🙂

>> P.S.: I will be moving to another project very soon! Any suggestions?
Huumm, oh I know… do you see the color picker plasmoid ? It could be great if there is a option in the menu to directly show the color picker dialog from KDE, don’t you think ? I think so… 😉


3. Ivan - August 8, 2010

And sensors plasmoid could use some love 🙂

4. Jesper - August 9, 2010

Good job! Happy that someone gave this amazing plasmoid the love it deserves 🙂

-The deadbeat parent

5. glad - August 9, 2010

Suggestion: implement the following

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